Hello Dev.
In this Article, we will guide you how to create folder in storage in laravel 6 application. we are able to without difficulty create directory if now not exists the use of File or Storage facade in laravel 6 project. i can give you easy and extra solution of laravel 6 make folder in public folder or storage folder.
i'm able to come up with extra way to create folder in public folder in laravel 6. you may see i can use File facade to create folder, Storage facade will use to create directory from storage in laravel 6 and also i'm able to provide you with easy code core php to create folder.
public function createDirecrotory(Request $request)
$path = public_path('upload/meaningarticles.com');
File::makeDirectory($path, 0777, true, true);
public function createFolder()
$response = Storage::makeDirectory('upload/meaningarticles.com');
public function removeFolder()
$folderPath = public_path('uploads');
$response = mkdir($folderPath);
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